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Merry Christmas!
All the staff at St Michael’s wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy a relaxing break with family and friends. Thank you for all of...

Early Years on the Polar Express
Early Years had an exciting afternoon on the Polar Express today! They had their tickets stamped, they went on a train ride around the...

Advent prayer stations
Today we spent some time in prayer looking at the Christmas Story. Every class was given a part of the Christmas story to create a prayer...

PTFA pantomime
Thank you to the PTFA who raised money to fund a whole school pantomime afternoon! On Tuesday we all watched Beauty and the Beast. There...

Year 1 RE
In RE, Year 1 have been learning all about Jesus' birth. We made an advent wreath to help us prepare for Christmas and made a...

KS1 Nativity
KS1 performed an excellent Nativity play last week! They were all superstars.

Carols at North
North, who sponsor our Breakfast club, invited some of our children to sing carols at their offices. Thank you to the children for...

Letters to Santa
In our literacy lesson a couple of weeks ago we wrote letters to Santa and posted them. Today we got our reply from him.

Year 3 & 4 celebrate Advent
Year 3 and Year 4 joined together this week to celebrate the second week in Advent, with a focus on Peace. They made paper chains, some...
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