World Children's DayPope Francis has declared today, World Children’s Day! Our Mini Vinnies led a whole school assembly about the importance of friendship...
KS2 Intra-House Sporting event Great afternoon yesterday at our first ever Intra-school sporting event. The UKS2 Basketball competition was a great success and the...
Mini Vinnies donate to KitAidOur Mini Vinnies sent away some of our old school football kits to a charity that provides disadvantaged children around the world with...
Year 4 vocabulary work Year 4 created a word carpet today, to help with their creative writing. Everyone responded to a recording of sounds and wrote words...
Year 4 Celebration of the Word Thank you to the parents that were able to attend the Year 4 Class liturgy this morning. The children led a reflection on the power of...
Tag rugby festival Some of our year 3/4 children had a great afternoon yesterday at the Newcastle Falcons Tag Rugby festival! Lots of great tags and tries...
Year 2 Maths Year 2 have been learning about recording data using tally charts. Today we watched the vehicles driving past school and recorded what we...
Year 5 Computing Today, Year 5 have been creating their own unique penguins using vector graphic software in Computing. As you can see, they are all now...