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Shrove Tuesday celebrations
We had a fantastic day celebrating Shrove Tuesday this week. We had a whole school pancake flipping competition where the teachers got...

Year 3 Computing
Today in Computing, Year 3 created a piano using the software - Scratch and played songs such as twinkle twinkle, Mary had a little lamb...

Year 1 Art
This afternoon, year 1 used different tools and objects to print and make marks on paper. We used: straws, cocktail sticks, foil,...

Bishop Bewick choir event
Well done to the children who represented our school today in Bishop Bewick’s choir event. Their behaviour was outstanding and they sang...

Year 4 Scientists
Year 4 Scientists began their lesson today with a bug hunt ! We are classifying vertebrates and invertebrates, and learning about...

Year 4 Celebration of the Word
Year 4 shared their Celebration of the Word this morning, with the focus on " Who is your hero? Who do you look up to?" The children...

City hockey tournament
Yesterday, our year 5/6 hockey team went to RGS to compete in the city hockey tournament. They produced some excellent teamwork, skill...

Year 2 Stay and Learn
Thank you to all of the parents who attended our Year 2 Stay and Learn this morning. The children really loved showing off their...

Carbohydrates and fibres in Year 3
During Year 3's Science lesson, we have been exploring carbohydrates and fibres we got the chance to chew some bread until the starch...
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