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Mini Vinnies create Christmas cards
Our Mini Vinnies have been designing Christmas cards to send out to those in our community who may be feeling lonely this Christmas. Our...

Music club performance
Our wonderful music club performed a a showcase of Christmas songs to their parents this evening! They have worked so hard each week to...

KS1 Nativity
KS1 performed their Nativity this week and they were fantastic! The singing was some of the best St Michael's have ever seen. Well done!

HT Awards 15.12
Well done!

Year 4 RE radio!
St Michael's Radio! Year 4 have been working extremely hard in their RE lessons this week. Today they used their computer skills to...

Christmas Fayre
We also had our Christmas Fayre today which was a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came and who have also bought raffle tickets at...

EYFS Nativity
Nursery and Reception performed their Christmas play to their families today! They were all absolutely fantastic and sang and danced...

Christmas celebrations
Some of our EYFS and KS1 children enjoyed a craft morning with their parents. It was great to sing (and sign) some Christmas songs together.

Children in Need fundraising total
Thank you for all of your donations towards Children in Need!

Year 4 explore Isaiah
As part of their learning in RE, Year 4 wrote acrostic poems and prayers to celebrate the important message of Isaiah. The message of...
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