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Mini Vinnies celebrate Youth Friday
Our brilliant Mini Vinnies led the school in a World Youth Day assembly today. They reminded us all of the important message that we are...

Year 3 Kindness Cafe
Thank you to our Year 3 parents that came to the Kindness Cafe this week. It was lovely for our children to spend some quality time in...

Year 2 trip to Beamish
Year 2 had an excellent trip to Beamish museum. They got to explore and play with toys from the past!

Year 3 Performing Arts day
Year 3 had a fantastic day at Sacred Heart High School working on their performance skills. We defintiely have some future actors and...

Year 4 hockey event
Some of our Year 4 children attended a hockey event at RGS today. They were excellent ambassadors for our school.

Year 3 Celebration of the Word
Year 3 shared a beautiful morning of prayer with their families last week. The children spoke fantastically and listened to one other...

OPAL journey
Our OPAL journey is continuing with some new play zones that opened on Friday. The mud kitchen, wheelie zone and the basketball zone are...

Year 2 Pocket Project Music
This term, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are having a weekly Pocket Project music session which is lots of fun. Year 2 got to try out some...

Reception Stay and Play
Reception had a wonderful Stay and Play session with their parents this morning. They got to show them the exciting areas we have in our...

Year 2 Kindness cafe
Thank you to all of our Year 2 parents that joined us this morning for our Kindness Cafe. Our children loves completing crafts with their...
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