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St Michael's is a successful and happy school, where the needs of the children are central to our philosophy. We embrace the fact that parents are an essential partner in the education process and we place great value on the support we receive.  We enjoy strong relationships between home and school, setting high standards of behaviour and work. 

I believe that it is the right of every child to receive an excellent education. Our children are recognised as individuals and their unique personality, talents and interests are nurtured and developed throughout their time in school. Our dedicated staff know each child very well and are determined to ensure they excel in all areas of school life. Our aim is that our children will leave St Michael's as fully rounded individuals who fulfil our mission statement by ‘living life to the full’. 

A great education can transform lives and I am confident that, by parents, staff and governors working together in partnership, the future holds nothing but the very best for every child at St Michael's.  

Charlotte Chapman 

Executive Headteacher  

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